Class Info

We have a comprehensive offering of yoga styles here at Commune.

Each teacher brings their own unique attributes to each class. In every class you can expect a focus on breath, contemplative cues to turn within and anatomical knowledge.

We encourage teachers to be themselves and layer their classes with sound, touch, philosophy and scent.

Consent will always be requested before any hands on adjusts. You may experience essential oil savasana massage to be weaved into classes on somedays and sound on others, each class is unique and well balanced.

If you’re after a studio that celebrates community, and has a wide range of class styles and diverse teachers Commune is the place for you.

If you’re new to our Commune-ity we encourage you to explore and experience as many of our teachers and class styles as you can so you can find what works for you.

Come together to be moved in your Commune Vinyasa flow. A dynamic and flowing style of yoga that flows with the harmonious connection between breath and movement.

Your Commune Vinyasa flow begins on the floor, with a juicy set of light body stretches to invite you to drop-in to your body, the present moment and pause time as you come to be right here and now for your practice.

Moving into standing postures and combining with Pranayama (breath).

You will harmonise the body + mind through invigorating and opening Sun Salutations sequences, balancing postures and finishing again on the mat to explore counter poses to nourish the meridians of the body.

Modifications will be offered throughout the class to attune to your body and where ever your edge is on any given day.

A fun and dynamic vinyasa style class that focuses on going stronger for longer. 

This class will give you the opportunity to try some stronger poses all while improving your strength. flexibility and stamina. 

An embodied class that really brings you into the present moment and quiets the mind. Suitable for all levels, come with curiosity and be guided by your own body. 

A Slow or Mellow Vinyasa Yoga Class is a gentle and soothing style of yoga that emphasises mindfulness, relaxation, and a slower pace.

Typically beginning with seated stretch and then moving through a combination of standing poses to finish with stretch and a mediation

You will experience a series of fluid yoga poses that are performed at a comfortable and unhurried tempo, allowing for a deep connection
with the breath and a profound sense of tranquility.

This style of Vinyasa yoga is well-suited for humans looking to unwind, de-stress, and release tension from both body and mind.

The class often incorporates props and restorative postures to enhance the relaxation experience.

Accessible to all levels of practitioners, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a gentle yet effective way to improve flexibility, reduce stress, and promote a sense of grounding and peace.

A movement and stretch based class.

The pace will vary throughout class and move from a slower Yang focused Mellow Vinyasa practice into a gentle Yin sequence.

The perfect way to build strength and move whilst having plenty of time to gently release and go slow.

Slow + Yin yoga will address both the muscular and connective tissue aspects of the body, as well as the more subtle energetic systems of the body promoting flexibility, strength, and a sense of inner calm.

Throughout the class expect mindfulness and breath awareness.

We will close off the practice with a long Savasana meditation.

Yin & Live Sound combines the restorative practice of Yin Yoga with live sound immersion.You will be guided by Lauri through a series of gentle Yin Yoga poses to release tension and promote relaxation, while Max of Good Vibes generates live soundscapes to enhance the meditative experience.

The soundscapes will be unique and tailored to each class, incorporating a variety of instruments and effects to create a soothing and immersive environment.

This class is suitable for all levels.

A Yin Yoga Class offers a profoundly tranquil and meditative practice that targets the deep connective tissues in the body, such as ligaments, tendons, and fascia.

In this class, expect engage in a series of seated or reclined postures, often held for an extended duration, typically ranging from 2 to 5 minutes or more.

Yin yoga is characterised by its emphasis on passive stretching and stillness, as well as a gentle approach to flexibility and mobility.

It promotes deep relaxation and encourages the release of physical and mental tension. The longer holds in each pose allow for a more profound opening in the body, and the practice is complemented by a focus on mindful breathing and meditation.

Suitable for all levels and provides a wonderful counterbalance to more dynamic and vigorous yoga practices.

Particularly beneficial for enhancing flexibility, relieving stress, and improving joint mobility.

Expect to leave a our Yin Yoga Class with a sense of inner peace, increased energy flow, and a greater overall sense of physical and
emotional well-being.

Slip into a tranquil Saturday afternoon yin and yoga nidra class.You'll gently sink into deep mat based stretches, using props to assist your postures.

After gently moving your body, you will enter the blissful state of yogic sleep, allowing tensions to dissolve and inner calm to bloom.

Surrender to the stillness, embracing a journey of self-discovery and restoration.

Suitable for all ages and stages of yoga practice

All mums & bubs (upto 18 months) are welcome to attend, past their six-week post-natal check-up.

No previous yoga experience required.

Due to the intimate size of the sessions, postures are modified for the different stages of postpartum.

Opening with a discussion on how we are feeling both physically & mentally, each session can be tailored to each mum's needs.

We move our bodies around our babies, and are able to attend to them by feeding, changing, holding, or generally reassuring them!

With the support of Felicity, mums develop a balance between doing yoga for themselves and meeting the needs of their baby.

Class run weekly Thursdays at 12pm